Recent news

This is the archive of all news related to One Life, starting with the most recent.

Money Raised From A Raffle

Today the 5th August I received £115 into the charity from Caron Keeley of Chase Lane School here in Chingford.

The school sponsor one of our children in South Africa, Qiniso Msweli and Caron held a raffle in order to raise the school fees for Qiniso.

More Donations Into The Charity

Today, 28th July, I received two more donations into the charity.

A Wonderful Anonymous Donation

Yesterday, July 22nd, I received £5,000 from a dear friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous.

Donations From Parishioners at St Anne's Parish Church.

On Sunday the 21stJuly I received donations of knitted jumpers, of various sizes, from Eira Endlesbury, Jenny Harwood and Denise of St Annes' Parish Church

Sick Mother Leaves Baby On Doorstep

Yesterday, July 17th, I heard from Lihle, Nancy's eldest foster child. She told me that yesterday morning she found a baby abandoned on Nancy's doorstep wearing only an old vest and with a letter attached.
