Recent news

This is the archive of all news related to One Life, starting with the most recent.

John Walker's speech

One Life South Africa – visit, October 2013,

John Walker

Two new donations for November

On Friday, November 8th, I received two donations to One Life. The first was from Marisa Mootoosamy and the nurses she works with. They had made cakes and Lasagne and sold both at meetings and to other staff members and raised a magnificent £447.10 for One Life.

Result of latest auction held at St Anne's

On Sat the 19th of October St Anne's held an auction/pledges fund raise event. A cooked meal followed by a choice of deserts was also included and very enjoyable too.

Result Of Half Marathon

This morning, October 1st, I heard from David Rolfe of St Anne's Parish Church that approx £370 had been donated by the parishioners for the half marathon run by his daughter Sally and son in law Johnnie in aid of One Life.

Three More Donations

Today the 30th August I received three more donations into One Life.

I received £50 from Eileen Galsworthy of Enfield Loch, £80 from Ann Booth of Cambridge, Ann makes and sells her own cards on behalf of the charity. And the final donation today was £50 from Shirley McDonald from Kent..
